2 Part Birth Education Refresher
April 6: Pain Management, Labor Positions & Deep Relaxation
This class prepares you as a team for all the sensations of labor. Utilizing Spinning Babie’s techniques and Hypnobirthing practices with the most effective labor positions and pain relief techniques, this class prepares you to labor calmly. Your laboring partner will gain confidence to help you through labor and birth to help avoid undesired intervention and lessen pain and possibly shorten the length of labor.
April 7: Breastfeeding
In this class you will revisit the in’s and outs of breastfeeding: the physiology of breastfeeding, milk production, how to latch and position your baby to prevent soreness and signs that breastfeeding is going well. This class teaches parents how to overcome common breastfeeding challenges, how to identify feeding cues and what it means to establish breastfeeding from day-one in order to meet your long term goals.
Cost for Refresher weekend is $125 per couple